KWAME provided construction management services for the $5.5 million, multi-purpose facility for Shalom Church (City of Peace) in St. Louis, MO. Century Builders, of Houston, Texas, was the design-builder. The 33,000-square-foot facility includes a 1,000-seat auditorium with an extensive audio-visual system and a temporary sanctuary, which will later be converted into a full service kitchen, gymnasium, office space, adult education classrooms, pre- school and child-care area.

Shalom Church (City of Peace), Christian by faith and Baptist by denominational affiliation, was founded by Reverend Dr. F. James Clark in June of 1993. The church’s congregation has since grown from 40 members to more than 4,000. The new building is located at 5491 North Highway 67, on a 50-acre undeveloped tract of land. Construction was completed May 2006.

Client Contact

Frank Foster
33 Flower Valley Shopping
Florissant, MO 63033

Our Task


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Completion Date

May 2006